Does Money Buy Happiness?

        Money is a wonderful object. You work hard for it, you struggle to make more, there’s many ways to earn it and many ways to lose it. Some might say that money is one of the world's evil creations and some might say that money is the best thing the world could ever have. People may not value money at all, but continue to work for it for their basic needs and others value it to the point where it’s their favourite thing in the entire world and they run off of it. This all leads to the question, does money buy happiness? 

        If you ask me, I would say yes, money does buy happiness & here’s why; money is a tangible object that can be used in exchange for items & services such as the roof over your head, the food in your stomach & the clothes on your back. Even if you are a minimalist, money still provides you with your basic needs and those basics make you happy & content with your life at the end of the day. I’m not saying that a Chanel purse or Rolex is what’s going to make you happy in life or that you won’t be happy without those items, but money provides happiness on different levels for everyone. 

        No matter what we value or how we live, money will always provide us with our basic needs & more. What you decide to do with it / how you spend it will matter most to you at the end of the day. If buying a Rolex makes you happy, then do it. If donating some extra money at the end of the month makes you happy, do it! Or if letting your money sit and collect in your bank account is what makes you happy, then by all means, continue doing that. Money doesn’t only buy objects, you can spend your hard earned cash on experiences such as vacations, concerts, going to the movies & more. Think about how those experiences have brought you joy. Money covers the costs of services that we all enjoy as well such as getting your nails or lashes done, getting a cut & shave by your barber; you wouldn't be able to get these services done for you without having money around.

        At the end of the day, money is a beautiful, powerful object that we must be careful with & value in our own way. It is an object that helps you achieve happiness through fulfillment from experiences, services or products. Spend your money how you want, when you want & don’t care about what other people have to say about it; you worked for it, you earned it, you can spend it any way you want.