My Experience With Citrine - The Stone of Abundance

        For those of you who don’t know, Citrine is a very popular crystal and works directly with your solar plexus chakra. This crystal is most commonly known when it comes to the topic of abundance and manifestation. Citrine stimulates clarity of mind to increase one's creativity to manifest their desires. It is a crystal that is used to attract abundance and prosperity and I have been working with this specific crystal for over a month now and here’s my experience!

        Citrine is a crystal that I was never attracted to when I was first introduced to the metaphysical world; I usually work with crystals that coordinate with my heart chakra and above. I bought myself two small citrine tumbles; one to keep in my wallet and another to carry when I want it. I never focused on it and just had it around. During this past summer, I realized that I needed to work on my solar plexus more; trusting my first (gut) instincts, manifesting abundance, improving my creativity, etc. Once I realized that I needed to focus and work on my solar plexus, I decided to buy a large piece of a rough citrine to place on my desk, where the RA headquarters is located! I also started wearing the second citrine tumble everyday in my pocket and brought it with me everywhere I went. 

        I cleansed my citrine pieces by burning palo santo, a sacred wood from Peru that is used to purify energy. Within 30 minutes of cleansing my citrine crystals, I received an order for RA, to be shipped to Switzerland! In that order, the number 1111 came up; 1111 means that you are on the right path and ensures good things are on the way. 1111 is a spiritual message that reminds you that you are the creator of your own reality and that you can manifest directly from your thoughts. Our thoughts create vibrations that will then attract things with equal vibrations because our thoughts carry energy that manifests our reality. I have been seeing 1111 and 111 since February at least twice a day, but it was so motivating to see those numbers appear in a sale for my brand. 

        Last week, my small citrine tumble broke while I was at work… I was really upset and confused because I was in a place of income (being at my work) and I had just received a sale for RA a few moments before. I’ve never experienced any of my crystals breaking before, I couldn’t sense if this was a bad thing, or a good one. What does it mean when your crystal breaks? In metaphysics, if your stone or crystal breaks, or if you lose it, it means that you no longer need the energy / vibrations of that specific crystal anymore. It is a spiritual sign that means you have worked through a phase of your life, that you have made it through your desired journey. The thing is, I didn’t and still don’t feel like my journey with citrine is done, I still feel like I need to continue working on my solar plexus chakra. On the bright side, just because your crystal breaks, it does not mean that the stone is no longer good anymore; it actually still carries the energy that it did before. After talking to my colleagues about the situation and the crystal (we’re all into metaphysics and crystals), I have decided to give my citrine a new home, it’s now in my money tree plant. 

        I’m still a little sad that my stone broke, but I’m also kind of amazed by it. It’s my first crystal that has ever broken and it’s also the first crystal I’ve ever truly worked with this much. It has shown me that if I focus on a certain goal and maintain a specific mindset, good things will come (as long as my goals and mindset remain positive of course). Think positive and you will receive positive things! I really enjoyed working with citrine and I think I will continue working with it for the next while. It has brought me abundance and motivation; exactly what I have been wanting to work towards and manifest. If any of you have thought about working with crystals, you should definitely get a citrine! I don’t know why it took me so long to get it, but I’m very glad I followed what my energy was telling me.