Why Using Agendas & Making Lists Are Important

        I don’t know about you, but I’m that person that is always creating lists. I absolutely cannot feel productive without making a list of things to do, or things I need to get done in a day. I feel more accomplished about what I’ve gotten done when I can check a task off my list. Planning and making lists is so important when you’re a busy person, or if you are trying to be more organized. 

        At work, I use a task board to keep updated and on track with what I need to get done and what I have completed during my day. At home, I use an agenda to make a planner during my days off and for my business, I use an excel sheet for things I need to get done (photoshoots, blog posts, contracts, etc). 

        Once you start using a task board, or writing out a list of things to do, you’re going to notice how much of a difference they make in your life. Seeing an outline of your completed and uncompleted tasks allows you to stay focused and organized. Lists aren’t just for grocery runs! When you organize your tasks with a list, it makes everything manageable while helping you feel grounded. I simply cannot go about my day without planning what I want and need to get done (unless it’s a day I’ve decided to do completely nothing and just relax). 

        Downside to making lists; feeling unaccomplished or guilty when you haven’t completed everything on your list for the day. It’s okay if you weren’t able to get everything on your list done, it happens! Don’t feel stressed or upset about little things like that, it’s not worth it. Sometimes we can’t plan for disturbances such as phone calls, random distractions and other things such as priorities that you didn’t realize you had for the day. It drives me crazy when I have a good list of tasks to do and three other unplanned things show up throughout my day and take my time away from my planned tasks, but it happens! As long as you remember to complete those unfinished tasks the next day, rather than abandoning them, everything will be okay.

        If you’re looking for ways to become more organized and productive, using an agenda/calendar and creating task lists is a great start! I feel so much more put together and organized when I write out a list for myself, and you will too.